When most people think of taking a vacation, they think of packing light. This is mostly to avoid charges on extra luggage as well as not to have to drag heavy suitcases around with them. There’s a lot of information available online on how to travel light and what not to pack. However, chances are that you’ll go on your vacation and discover that there are various essential things you didn’t pack.

Carrying a few extra things can make your holiday more fun and relaxing. Aside from the obvious beach towel, sunglasses and swim suit, the following are some extra things that you need to carry with you on your next vacation.

  1. An umbrella

Wait a minute! Isn’t this a packing list for a vacation on a sunny beach? Yes, it is. And yes, you still need to pack your umbrella even if you’re vacationing on the sandy beaches of Hawaii in the hottest month of summer. You never know when it is going to rain and you definitely don’t want to be caught in the midst of a sudden downpour. Ensure that you have an umbrella handy.

Bonus tip: your umbrella will also come in handy when you need some shade from the sun. you’ll be relieved to have your umbrella to protect you from sun burns.

  1. Your driving license of passport

Even if your vacation is within the country, you’ll still need to carry some sort of identification with you. You never know when you’ll need an official document for identification e.g. at the airport. You wouldn’t want to miss your flight simply because you had to rush home to search for your passport or driver’s license.

  1. Painkillers

This is one of those things that people hardly think about when packing for a vacation. You never think that you may have a headache (and not just from those ten tequila shots you took last night), but it could happen. Pain can dampen the mood of your vacation in an instant.

Don’t allow yourself to lose out on a fun filled experience simply because you didn’t bring some painkillers with you. Pack a small bottle for your trip.

  1. Hand sanitizer

No, this isn’t about being overly precautious. With so many strains of flu as well as other easily transmitted diseases going round, you can’t be too careful. Hand sanitizer will help to reduce your risk of catching something while on your trip.

Bonus tip: hand sanitizer is also great for ensuring your hands are clean especially if you’ve planned a trip with activities during which you may not have access to clean soap and clean water.

  1. Snacks

Many people plan to purchase snacks while on their vacation. Who could have foreseen being overcharged for a bag chips at the airport or not being able to find your favorite candy bar when you needed a sugar kick so badly?

It’s advisable to stash some treats in your bag just in case. You don’t have to carry enough snacks for the whole trip. You can carry just enough to serve you in case you need something to tide you along to the next meal.

  1. Cash

‘Never travel without some money.’ This is something many of us grew up hearing from our parents. However, with the introduction of ATMS, credit cards and electronic payments, it’s something that we’ve long forgotten.

Cash is still important especially when you’re traveling. What if you find all the banks closed or the ATMs not working? It pays to have some cash on you especially when you’re traveling to a place you don’t know.

  1. Packing cubes

No, these aren’t only for the neat freak who needs everything in a certain way. These cubes are indispensable and once you travel with them you’ll never want to go anywhere without them ever again.

The cubes help to compartmentalize your suitcase. No more embarrassing moments when random clothing items spill out of your bag when you open it. They can also save you a lot of time when you unpack at your destination. You simply need to open the cubes and place them in the dressers. Packing up to go back home will also be a cinch. You only need to close the cube and replace it in the suitcase.

  1. A Swiss Army knife

If you don’t already have one of these multipurpose tools you need to stop reading this article and go out to buy one right this minute. There is no tool as versatile as the Swiss Army knife and none that comes in as handy on a vacation.

The knife will come in handy when you need to open a wine bottle, serve some cheese or peel and core an apple.

  1. Pen and note pad

Yeah, no one writes down anything anymore. We all have our phones to turn to. Well, you can’t depend on modern technology for everything. It can be embarrassing when you need to write something down and you have to start asking the people around you for a pen. Don’t be that person bugging other passengers on the airplane for a pen to fill out a form. Ensure that you have a pen and note pad in your bag while traveling.

  1. Plastic bags

These could be freezer storage bags or any other plastic bags that you can seal. These bags will come in handy when you have to store wet, dirty or muddy clothes or shoes. You won’t have to worry about making other items in your bag dirty, wet or muddy. The savvy traveler will have a plastic bag that they can store soiled items.

  1. A bottle of water

Water is life. You’ll discover this soon into your travel. Having your own water will ensure that you stay refreshed and hydrated throughout your journey.

Water will also come in handy if you need to clean something or in case of an emergency.

There you have it. While we can’t promise you a fantastic vacation, packing the items above will help to improve your chances of having a stress free vacation.

By Raphaelleo

Love for pondering around the world never fades away! Writing blogs related to travel gives me such an enthusiastic feeling same as traveling. I am transferring my enthusiasm to the readers through my blogs. Hope you enjoy the journey! Cheers!

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